This webpage handles the publishing process of our websites (CI/CD) and social media interactions & callbacks. This service is an internal webtool and not for public use yet. In case you have any questions, please contact us via email.
Collect data on the fly, review and react with ease. CTA (call to actions) sent from websites and apps are handled by automated processes. Analyse your user interactions, streamline and automate responses.
Model, monitor and automate your business processes. Process management is the key for optimal resource allocation and efficient workflows. It helps to streamline your business processes and improve your services.
AI Chat Bots are the future of customer service. They are offering an individual customer conversation embedded in your services, and support optimal responses. They are available 24/7 and can handle multiple requests at the same time. Our service streamlines the agents’ workflows and allows to control and structure the conversation.
Question 1: How to get started
answ 1 …
Question 2: Installation made easy
answ 2 …